It's been another interesting week in the state of Utah once again. As I was watching the news yesterday the #1 story was about the HBO show Big Love. If you haven't heard already like many people outside of Utah haven't heard that Big Love will be showing an
LDS ceremony that is very sacred. I acknowledge that what BL is doing is wrong and probably shouldn't be aired, but they can and that's their right. They won't get all the facts right and it'll probably upset a lot of people, but oh well. I find it very ironic that Mormons all across Utah are writing letters and writing blogs (I am also very ironic) to tell HBO not to show this or else......Why is this ironic? Well HBO has such shows on it called 'Real Sex' and other shows that are far worse than this. My question to all members of the church is why take a stand now? Why not take a stand against Dustin Lance Black (The writer of the movie 'Milk') who during the Academy awards bashed
LDS members for taking a stand on prop 8? Why don't
LDS members right to
Cinemax, HBO, Showtime and demand that they take off their pornography during late night? What does it matter in the end? The
LDS members know what they believe. If someone watches the BL scene and comes to ask one of us about it, what a wonderful opportunity to explain what we really believe. We should not defend ourselves but explain the truth.
I know I will probably be shot down for this but I love Matt Stone and Trey Parker (Creators of South Park) for when they make all their comments and shows about the LDS church. I have had a lot of opportunities to talk to people about our beliefs and help them understand. The LDS community needs to stop thinking BL is going to bring the LDS church to the ground or that the rest of the world is going to round us up and put us in concentration camps. It's the 21st century and if the LDS church has been around for 180 years, I think it'll be around for another 180.
My suggestion to everyone is this: Instead of writing hate mail to HBO go write a letter to a solider in Iraq and tell them thank you for all their doing. Better yet stop making such a big deal about this because the LDS church has already come out with an official statement explaining the situation. Stop with the chain-emails, groups on Facebook and just move on.