However, I think the way it's being handled is hurting us and our government. Let's look a little bit back in history....When the terroist attacks of 9/11 happened most of us sat around and thought of ways to help....When Hurricane Katrina struck the people of the Gulf Coast we sat around again and thought of ways to help. In the case of 9/11 many people/companies donated money to the American Red Cross. In a matter of fact they raised over $564 million to help the victims and help rebuild. Only $154 million was used towards 9/11. That means only 27% of the money was used. Where did it all go? I could sit here and speculate that lobbyists/president of the Red Cross went on a nice vacation or bought their 3rd or 4th house. But, that is not my place. What I know is a lot of people have donated hard earned money and it never got put to use.
There are so many things with Hurricane Katrina that break my heart. Having a family member who was directly impacted by it of course makes me more emotional about it. But, there are still people without houses, waiting for their houses to be built. But, FEMA and the Red Cross are still trying to figure out what to do with all of their money. Oprah can only build so many houses.
How does 9/11, Katrina and Haiti all tie into this? The American people are giving their hard earned money to this "non-profit" organization for what? So, they can pull a Joker then burn Chinese accountants on huge piles of money? They need to put our money to work and actually help someone instead of themselves. They have raised over $200 million and it makes me sick thinking that about $54 million is going to actually get put to use (According to the 27% used during 9/11). The Red Cross doesn't see this as a disaster but, as a gold mind that just landed in their laps.
Durning these rough times we should be smart with out money because the government isn't. They are in trillions and trillions of dollars of debt and spending money on Haiti like they got some. This is a time for America to send the National Guard and then let other countries step up to the plate. I don't know who said it, but you can't help others until you help yourself. The towers, homes and business still need rebuilding from previous disasters.
What can we do? First, don't donate to the Red Cross. I don't care if the 1st Lady is the spokeswoman, it doesn't make a difference. Look to where your cash is actually going. StillerStrong is the best donation site for Haiti I have found. Try to find people directly tied to Haiti and donate to them. All in all, make sure your money is getting put to work and just making some big wig richer and my God Bless the people in Haiti.
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